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Here you can find articles about the properties of each type of stone.


Category: Mineralstectosilicates


Chemical formula: (AC,na)(Yeah,To the)4EITHER8

Location of Origin: Labrador Peninsula (Canada)





Aspect :

Labradorite is truly a beautiful and fascinating mineral.

Its charm is proven when we turn it to observe it from the appropriate position until its brilliant iridescence flashes. In these glitters, it presents a range of colors from blue to violet, sometimes with greens, yellows or oranges, depending on the variety, even some rare ones. specimens display all of these colors simultaneously.

Properties :

With Labradorite you can improve and enhance the lungs, control respiratory and digestion problems, in addition to being an excellent metabolism regulator. Another condition that this mineral helps control is reduced blood pressure and sensitivity to cold.

Promotes clarity of thought, wisdom and intellectuality that help to have critical thinking and self-confidence.




 Translucent from orange to red.

This carnelian agate is found in volcanic rocks. It is characterized by presenting a series of concentric bands of similar colors, opaque and translucent. 


For the ancient egyptians, carnelian was the red symbol of life linked to specific religious practices, where the goddess Isis He used it to accompany the deceased during his journey to the afterlife.  Carneola was widely used during the Roman age to make engraved gems.

He Hebrew odem (translated sardius, Sardinian), the first stone in the breastplate of the High Priest (Hoshen), was a red carnelian stone.

Among the primitive Christians, for fear of persecution and to identify themselves among themselves, they used carnelians engraved with the symbols of their faith. 



It is the stone of balance, of peace of spirit, which wards off anger and aggressive forces. In the past, it was common for great lords to make their seals with carnelian, since tradition claims that it attracts good spirits. Furthermore, it is stated that its color is an expression of the mysterious forces of the soul.

Category :Oxide minerals


Chemical Formula: SiO2




Aspect :

It has a very variable appearance: silvery gray in color, silvery gray to black crystals or dark gray masses. It has a metallic shine.


Its name dates back to the years 300-325 BC. C. when Theophrastus called it  (aematitis lithos),  'pblood ivy. 

Properties :

Hematite is a stone that protects and helps harmonize the mind, body and spirit. In addition, its great power allows us to dissolve negativity, helping to expand self-esteem and the survival instinct. Regarding the mind, Hematite stimulates and helps improve people's concentration, enhancing memory and good thoughts. They say that this rock is connected to the blood and that placing it somewhere in the body will help dispel ailments.

Category :Oxide minerals


Chemical Formula: Fe203

Location: Switzerland, Spain, USA, Brazil


Smoky Quartz


Aspect :

Transparent and different shades of gray; the color is due to the presence of traces of aluminum LocationIt is the most common mineral in the Earth's crust. 

Properties :

"smoky quartz" is due to its dark brown or smoky black color, which is due to the presence of and impurities of organic matter. The term "quartz" comes from the Latin "quartzum," which means "hard stone."Smoky quartz is said to be a protective stone that can help dissipate negative energy and attract positive energy. It is also believed to help relieve stress and anxiety, and strengthen your connection to the earth. Additionally, smoky quartz is said to be a grounding stone that can help balance the first chakra, also known as the root chakra. This chakra is associated with security, survival and stability. protects against bad energies used for relaxation and meditationHe Smoky Quartz allows you to maintain balance.

Category :Oxide minerals


Chemical Formula: Fe203

Location: Switzerland, Spain, USA, Brazil


Blue Calcite


Aspect :

soft and sky blue


Used by the Egyptians in the manufacture of smalleños decorative objects such as figures.

In the art of Feng Shui, it is highly sought after for its ability to bring harmony, and it is used in lithotherapy for its many benefits. In Chinese medicine, it is associated with the meridian known as the stomach meridian.


Blue calcite stone can easily be described as an anti-stress stone, or natural relaxation and calming stone. Its powerful pacifying energy allows you to feel deep relaxation in its touch, giving you the power to regulate sleep problems. The stone also has a stimulating effect so about the nervous system.

Category ..Mineral

Chemical Formula .CaCO3

Location: Mexico

Calcita Azul



Appearance: colorless and transparent


In classical Greece the name krystallos was used, equivalent to ice. ANDRock crystal has been used since prehistoric times to make cutting tools, such as arrowheads, for ceremonial use. In classical civilizations it has been carved as gems, seals, small decorative objects or containers. Rock crystal has also been used to make optical instruments.


Properties :

When the crystal is transparent and translucent, it is considered the healing mineral par excellence. This quartz is one of the crystals with the greatest spiritual value, thanks to its purifying and protective properties. A symbol of strength, purity, nobility and innocence, white quartz is used for meditation and spiritual cleansing of the body, soul and mind, as it helps balance energies.

Category :silicon oxide

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Location: deposits around the world,

main in Arkansas (USA) Alps (Switzerland)




Aspect :

Translucent with pink tones of that color, due to microinclusions of dumortierite or the presence of

traces of phosphorus and aluminum.


There are many varieties of quartz. Since ancient times, varieties of quartz have been the most used minerals in jewelry making and carvings in Eurasia.

Properties :

Rose quartz for centuries has been or considered as the stone of love and peace. Rose Quartz is specifically linked to the heart chakra.

Category :silicon oxide

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Location: Brazil

Cuarzo ROSA



Chalcedony is the form of quartz compact and microcrystalline,

 It is a very important ornamental stone. 




In ancient times it was considered one of the most valuable. The Egyptians used it to create jewelry and offer them as gifts. For Christians, chalcedony is often associated with the Virgin Mary. For the Indians, this stone is the soul of the wise.


Chalcedony removes sadness from your life, providing calm and sweetness. Provides creativity and  sensitivity. Its special purity and light blue color transmit optimism and happiness.

Category :Oxide minerals

Chemical Formula: SiO2

Location: Australia, Turkey


Carnelian Agate



Glassy and translucent with brown tones and rusty appearance.



This stone stabilizes the body's energy. It is pacifying and calming. Facilitates happy dreams by keeping nightmares away. Its balancing energy is associated to the reduction of anxiety, stress and emotional tensions, which contributes to an overall feeling of relaxation.

Category :Oxide minerals

Chemical Formula: 


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